Thursday, February 8, 2007

The Sim Really Changes

Sweetie on the Teeter-Totter

Sweetie Heads for Outer Space
Written 8 February, 2007

The Sim Really Changes

This morning I got word from Carlos that he will be selling his last plot of land on Forsaken.

I know he will be only a teleport away, but my heart is broken.

Just last night Carlos and Sweetie and I were having a little Icarus fun.

I had made a 90 meter ramp along which I was rolling a two meter aluminum ball by turning it physical. I nearly dropped the ball on Carlos' toes!

I created a teeter-totter and we experimented with making it rock by walking along it. Then I got the idea of dropping the big aluminum ball on it. It launched me to nearly 100 meters into the air!

Icarus nonsense being what it is, before long Carlos had made a teeter totter from a giant prim and I had rezzed a 40 meter ball and dropped it on one end from a height of 500 meters.

I started out even with the ball, heading down as soon as I turned it physical.

At first I outpaced it, but it was accelerating and I wasn't, so it soon zoomed past.

Sweetie had wandered up and was on the plank, and I very nearly lost her to outer space again.

What will I do when Carlos is no longer around to partake in such fun?

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