Saturday, November 17, 2007

Drum Circle at Pele

Written 16 November, 2007

Drum Circle at Pele

Second Life was cutting up last weekend (see the Linden Blog entry at (
to read about-the-behind the scene nightmares faced by Linden Lab employees.

Couldn't build, couldn't open notecards, couldn't put on attachments, and lots of folks were Ruthed (that's when your av looks like a certain elderly female sexologist).

And so nothing for it but to have an impromptu drum circle at Pele!

And that's why I rang up all of my friends who were online and invited them over. And many came. and we drummed and played Robbie Dingo's gamelans and had a great time.

Sweetie, as usual, provided the light show. I brought some rhythmic sounds in world and put them in prims that played when touched.

Not a bad way to spend a laggy SL night.

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